
Watch Three Tutorial Videos On How To Use Ableton Note

We teamed up with Ableton and Jinku to produce three short videos showcasing how to use Ableton’s new, and…

How To Make Banging Modern Garage In Style Of Overmono ‘So U Kno’

In this Beat Dissected we create a beat inspired by Overmono’s dancefloor-filling hit ‘So U Kno’.…

Creative Distortion

Distortion is one of the fundamental signal processing tools we have at our disposal. Mix expert Bruce Aisher explains how…

Drum Synthesis in Logic ES2

Synthesising your own sounds from scratch is the surefire route to unique drum hits. Bruce Aisher explains how it’s…

It’s Now Possible To Program Polyrhythmic Pizza Beats With Beat Scholar

Ever thought you could program a 10-note fill within one quarter note? Now you can.

Tearing Acid Techno Bassline With SynthMaster2

We use KV331 Audio’s SynthMaster 2 to create an unorthodox acid bassline complete with effects – and all within the single plugin.

How To EQ A Mix

EQ is one of the three fundamental tools used to shape the mix. Bruce Aisher explains how to use it…

Vocal Chopping & Pitching

We outline some of the most effective techniques for integrating sampled vocals with your track.…

Making Six Sounds With One Preset Using Forbidden Planet By EastWest

EastWest is known for their huge library of sample-based instruments, but Forbidden Planet is their first adventure into the realm of hybrid morphing synths. In this tutorial we push one preset (out of the available 600!) to the limit.

Mixing Techno Drums With Excite Audio’s Lifeline Console

How can you get TR-909 samples sounding punchy and powerful? Console-style processing is an excellent way to add character and thump at the mixing stage.

Mix Bus Compression

If you’re not careful, compressing the mix bus can be a fast route to a dull, lifeless track. Bruce…

Layering Claps and Snares

If you can’t find the perfect snare or clap sample, make your own. Layering samples allows you to create…

Twisting Up A Synth Drone With Antares’ Auto-Tune Pro

We all know what Antares’ Auto-Tune Pro can do to vocals but what about synths? We turn a boring drone into a unique melody with the vocal processor.

Panning Effects for Breakdowns With Sound Particles’ Energy Panner

In this tutorial we test out Sound Particles’ dynamic panning plug-ins, which have recently developed a reputation in Hollywood for creating realistic soundscapes.

Making Techno With Lunacy Cube

In this article, we show you how we used Lunacy Cube to make the musical parts in a techno tune…

Make A Techno Bassline Using Generate

In this tutorial, we’re working with Newfangled Audio’s lovely Generate plugin to process a techno bassline.…

Stuttered IDM Hi-Hats With Audiomodern Playbeat 3

In this tutorial we use the full power of Playbeat 3’s randomization to program IDM-style dynamic hi-hat and percussion patterns.

Building Up A Massive Ambient Pad With Lunacy Audio CUBE

Layering synths and cinematic strings is a sure-fire way to add size to a pad patch. In this article…

Spatial Sound Design with Baby Audio’s Crystalline

In this tutorial, we use Baby Audio’s new algorithmic reverb plugin to create drones, hi-hats, reversed melodies and tempo-synced room ambience!

Generating Powerful And Rhythmic Basslines With Audiomodern Playbeat 3

In this article we use Audiomodern’s advanced sequencer to create limitless basslines!

Layering Vinyl Drum Breaks With Oeksound Soothe2

In this article we apply soothe2 to vinyl drum breaks in order to reduce harsh resonant frequencies before layering the breaks with punchier drum samples. This makes the process of layering much easier and helps to achieve a better mix overall!

Getting Vocals Release Ready With Leapwing UltraVox

You’ve recorded vocals but where do you go from there? We show you how to add dynamics, saturation, and polish to a vocal group with one plugin.

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