Analogue Solutions Nyborg-12

A pair of Nyborgs connected for duophonic use
The UK’s Analogue Solutions have been mainstays of the boutique market for years, producing everything from modular synths to sequencers for a list of customers which includes dozens of famous names.
The latest offering from Tom Carpenter’s fertile imagination is a no-holds-barred monosynth, the Nyborg-12. The company’s statement of intent sums up the approach: “Nyborg is a precision electronic musical instrument. No compromise has been made with the construction of Nyborg. Cheaper options in parts have not been used.”
So what do you get for your money? A hand-built module with two VCOs, a multi-mode VCF, two envelope generators, an LFO and built-in MIDI. And how does it sound? Incredible. This is analogue synthesis at its finest; pure, unrestrained vintage muscle. You can even connect up to four Nyborgs together to create a four-voice polysynth. Don’t pretend you’re not tempted.
06.51 PM
Wow, so you can plug your guitar on ‘audio in’ and what comes out is the synth sound? Can the Moog Sub 37 do this? For midi sync, I would need midi connections right? Which is better Sub 37 or Pro 2?
11.09 PM
What are you talking about?
10.01 PM
Shhhh don’t tell anybody about the Pulse 2, it can be our little secret ok?! 😉
11.27 AM
MFB Dominion Anyone????????
12.30 PM
Pro 2 or Sub 37 ist also the question for me!
04.29 PM
Always wondered what the Elektron Monomachine, looks sick.
04.43 PM
Damn what about the MFB Dominion 1? That’s easily one of the best monosynths on the market today.