Minuit Machine is a popular french female duo. Despite making ‘dark wave vocal-based techno’ their listening tastes are diverse. With their new EP Basic Needs recently released, we asked them to run us through their favourite records.

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What’s the first record you ever bought?

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Amandine: Spice Girls – “Spice”

I think it must have been the album I listened to the most in my life as I must have played it 3 or 4 times a day for 2 or 3 years ahah. I miss the times when we used to buy 3 or 4 records a year max and listen to them constantly until we knew every part by heart!

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Hélène: Ace of Base – “The Sign”

I remember being really proud to own this album as it was perceived as cool in the ’90s. But listening to it now, I’m not so sure it was that good… I even had a different memory of it, something more dance music… and it’s not….!

The first time you remember hearing electronic music?

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Amandine: At my first party, when I was in high school! Someone put Benny Benassi – “Satisfaction”, and I loved this track instantly! I was listening to alternative rock and grunge so it was quite different from what I had heard until then! It was the first time I felt the beat in my body and the need to dance without paying attention to the people around me.

Hélène: I was taking some modern jazz dancing lessons when I was a kid and I remember watching the performance of the older students at the end of the year. They were performing on I Like to Move it from Reel 2 Real and it was so good and fascinating. I’ve been listening to this track a lot after that, trying to dance and look as sexy as they looked on stage but I didn’t have that talent..haha!

Your favourite ever record?

Amandine: Lana Del Rey – “Ultraviolence”

I listen mainly to electronic music and mostly techno music, but this album is so comforting to me. Both sad and epic. It brings out lots of emotions in me, and I listen to it every time I need to feel inspired.

Hélène: Radiohead – “Ok Computer

This is the first album I ever loved, like really loved. My first musical crush. I still listen to it sometimes. The emotions that it makes me feel are indescribable, it almost hurts, every time.

The guaranteed floor-filler?

Amandine: Midnight Vices – “Release The Pressure”

Actually I love all of Midnight Vices tracks! They all have a great energy, and really strong beats.

Hélène: Boy Harsher – “Pain”

There’s something about this song that talks to everybody. It’s sensual, violent, slow and irresistibly danceable at the same time. 

The guilty pleasure?

Amandine: The Pretty Reckless – “Make me Wanna Die

I don’t really feel guilty though, and it reminds me of my teenage years ahah

Hélène: Isabelle Adjani – “Pull Marine”

I love this song so much, I just can’t explain why. It’s so depressing and cute, this is a very weird mix that you can often find in Serge Gainsbourg’s songs that works on me very well.

The last track of the night?

Amandine: Minuit Machine – “Don’t Run From The Fire”

I think it’s a very sensual track, with a slow BPM that makes your body chill out a bit after hours of hard techno

Hélène: Ka:ast – “The Infinite Thoughts

This is exactly my kind of (hybrid) techno and such an inspiration for me.

The best chillout record?

Amandine: Kendal – Manifesto

I love dark disco in general, but this EP in particular.

Hélène: M83 – “Hurry Up We’re Dreaming”

I love the feelings of hope, peace and nostalgia that you can find in this record. It’s a feel good, relaxing therapy for me.

The best record for a family party?

Amandine: Creedence Clearwater Revival – “Transmission Impossible”

Another not-so-guilty pleasure 🙂

Hélène : Rone – “Room With a View”

We all have different tastes in my family but I think this is the kind music that we should all enjoy.

The soundtrack to a lazy Sunday afternoon?

Amandine: Tempers – “Services”

One of my favorite tracks ever is Strange Harvest! Actually, it’s even perfect if it’s a rainy Sunday! 

Hélène: Air – “Virgin Suicides”

Yes…I think Sunday afternoons are depressing.

The record you’re proudest of?

Amandine: I would say our latest EP Basic Needs because it’s a mix between techno and dark wave, and I think it’s exactly what we had in mind while creating it (which is rare to achieve ahah).

Hélène: Our previous EP Don’t Run From The Fire. I felt like we finally reached the kind of music we were aiming to do. A genre we are developing in Basic Needs.

The future classic?

Amandine: Hante. – “Blank Love”

Ok, maybe I’m not 100% objective, but it’s the perfect mix between emotional and deep beats!

Hélène: Fraunhofer Distraction – “Aerial”

For those who like Witch House, I think this track is gonna become a classic of the genre.

Minuit Machine Basic Needs is out now and available on Bandcamp. Follow them on Instagram.

1st June, 2021

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