A new label-based music discovery app, Labelism, is available for download on August 6th.
Labelism is a new app that provides access to a catalogue of a label’s releases, allowing users to browse music from labels they know or scroll through the list to discover more.
The app provides access to a database of hundreds of labels, in which music is subcategorised by year of release. Labelism identifies when new releases have been added, so users can keep up to date with their favourite labels. It also helps users discover more labels based on sounds they love, by searching for a specific genre or artist.

App creator John Pollard explains that he was prompted to create Labelism having felt that an important aspect of music culture was missing from streaming apps. “The label is a significant detail for many music fans, particularly for those who are fans of electronic music or anything away from the mainstream,” he writes. “The music I like usually comes from labels whose roster of artists all share a distinct quality or style that is uniquely their own”.
The app helps users track their exploration of old and new music. Songs which have already been listened to are flagged, and users can tap the heart to save labels they like to a collection of favourites. Additional labels will be added every week, with the option of users requesting new labels to be added via Twitter or Facebook.
Labelism intends to benefit both fans and artists. Pollard ascertains that music streaming “has sadly led to independent labels experiencing a diminished presence among young music fans”, which is “potentially a great loss to their cultural heritage.” He hopes that the app can serve as an antidote to this, as labels will get additional plays and sales as more music is discovered.
Labelism will be available to download from the App store from August 6th, and is accessible via iOS devices.