Norman Cook is planning to throw the party for NHS and frontline staff in Brighton in October.
Norman Cooke AKA Fatboy Slim announced via Twitter this week that he plans to throw a huge post-Covid free party for NHS workers. The DJ and producer is inviting NHS medical and support staff as well as all blue light staff – ambulance, police and firefighters – to a free party at the Brighton Centre in Brighton on October 28th. The event is a thank you to all the frontline staff who are risking their lives during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The party is called ‘I Have To Praise You Like I Should’ after Fatboy’s massive ‘Praise You‘ track and tickets for the event will be available at 19:00 today via this link. Eligible staff will need to provide their NHS or Primary Care Trust ID details.
Local Brighton newspaper The Argus reported Cook as saying: “By the time life returns to normal, we will all want to celebrate together. And I would like to do my bit to reward and thank everyone who has been holding our lives together in these most difficult of times. So I extend an invitation to all NHS doctors, nurses, support workers, porters and cleaners plus all blue light staff, ambulance, police and fire service – and importantly their plus-ones – to let their hair down with me and dance off the cobwebs to rejoice in the end of this emergency.”
Fatboy has already been making the best of the lockdown and this week he streamed his daughter Nelly – Fatgirl Slim – playing a DJ set from their kitchen. Her set included music from Endor, Purple Disco Machine and Fatboy’s new Eats Everything collaboration ‘All The Ladies’. Nelly also included a few choice snippets of Greta Thunberg’s famous “Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!” speech.
Norman Cook is a Brighton resident who previously put on four Big Beach Boutique parties on Brighton beach, the second of which in 2002 famously attracted an estimated 250,000 attendees.
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