Moog reissue legendary IIIc modular system. Nicky Siano tells the true story of Studio 54. Propellerhead add VST suppor tto Reason.
Return of the Moog. The hallowed company is putting out the Synthesizer IIIc for a limited time only. The modular synth will be built using all-original documentation, art and circuit board files. See it in action above, then find out more here.
Air time.
If you ever worry about missing someone playing your tune on radio stations like NTS or Rinse, WARM has you covered. The new service scans the airwaves and reports on what it hears. Get a free trial here.
History lesson. Much has been written about the 40th anniversary of New York’s legendary Studio 54, but former resident Nicky Siano has an issue with lots of it. In a Facebook post, he recounts the true story.
DIY developments. The Guardian investigate a Berlin village built by clubbers and wonder if it might be a model for future regeneration projects. Read it here.
Small but imperfectly formed. The Elbow tape player is a new concept that strips away as much bulk as possible. But is it practical? Probably not…
About turn. Despite saying they never would, Propellerhead have unveiled VST plugin support for Reason. Watch the news and full details about it below.