Ahead of their live appearance at Fabric this weekend, the German house duo show us around their studio.
Session Victim – My Studio
The German duo show us around their studio, based around Ableton Live, Adam monitors and a selection of hardware.
Technics Decks & Vestax PMC-CX Rotary Mixer
Since sampling has always been the core to our music, the 1210s feel like our most important instrument to work with – each of us owns three of them. The ones you see in this picture are actually Hunee’s old ones. He gave them to us before he moved to LA.
Korg Trident
The synth and brass sections in this machine are both great, but the string section is just out of this world. We used (and still use) the Trident on several of our songs, but most of the times it’s those beautiful strings that end up in the final mix.
Novation Bass Station II
Our latest synth addition to the studio. The Novation doesn’t look like much and is rather cheap, but after using it for a few months now we’re both really impressed with the versatility of this machine. Especially the arpeggiator is fantastic and gets used a lot – not just for the Bass Station itself, but for all of our synths and samplers.
Moog Moogerfooger MF101 Filter & MF104M Delay
We have these two right next to our keyboard and we use them a lot. They’re both super easy to jam with and just sound great. We’ve configured them as external effects in Ableton, so we can use them instantly on every track.
ESP 400 Series Precision Bass
I bought this bass in 1995 for 170 DM and I would never part with it. I had other instruments over the years but this is the only one that I kept. It has this ability to sit really well with other instruments; neither too much in the front nor in the back. I’ve played everything from metal to jazz with it and it just always works.
Nikka From The Barrel
We both love a good Scotch or a good Irish whiskey and most recently the Japanese ones. This one here is just the perfect treat if we stop the jam session for a moment to sit back and take a deep breath. This is not the kind of liquor you get drunk on. Well, OK, sometimes it is. But having just one small glass is usually enough for us.
Session Victim play live at Fabric this Saturday, May 9th
. Their remix of Jesper Ryom is out now on Delicieuse Records. Find them on Facebook
and SoundCloud.
05.55 PM
Nice! Just heard the music and it’s pretty cool.
06.37 PM
What would I need to start using external effects like in this set up with the Moog filters?
This probably isn’t the correct place to ask this question…
Nice studio, cheers attack – Session Victim are great also!
07.19 AM
Good music, insubstantial studio pictures. Yay, another set of technics and [insert rotary mixer here] photo.
How many more of these do we really need to see?
12.27 PM
Allow me to politely disagree with Mr Mala. I love seeing these studios. Keep them coming.
Also, good choice on the Nikka. Great whisky!
03.18 PM
What I like about these “My Studio” articles is, you get to see that most of these guys and gals use the same exact stuff as everybody else. For the most part there’s really not anything super crazy gear wise that the average dude can’t attain (with the exception of the odd SSL console from time to time). My favorite feature here by a long shot. Keep em’ comin.
11.24 PM
Would’ve been interesting to hear how Ableton is used. Whether full on midi triggering, resampling or what…
02.16 PM
Always nice to see someone’s studio. Would have been nice to have a few more pics but hey….I am intrigued as to how you can configure the pedals to be external effects in ableton – if anyone knows how to do this please share
02.56 PM
^^Routing to external effects/pedals – you route audio out through your soundcard to the pedal, and from pedal back into input in soundcard. On Ableton set up the route using the External Audio Effect in your Audio Effects files. It’s just like the send/return feature in Ableton, but you have to think of it as an external effect.
Depending on your pedals, you can stereo or mono out, and stereo or mono in. It’s good to have Y-splitters around too for this.
03.42 AM
I really dig the vintage CRT monitor.
10.14 AM
thanks Eric – appreciated