“My most prized, irreplaceable possession in my studio is Petunia, my four-year-old French bulldog.” Cute dog alert as Clayton Steele shows us around his studio.
Clayton Steele – My Studio
My little home studio is really just simple and customised to my creative needs. It is the space where I go to create and jam out.
Universal Audio UAD Apollo Quad
I like this sound card because of the plugins that come with it. I love all the UAD plugins. They replicate old pieces of gear that I cannot afford, so I appreciate this device. One thing I do hate about it, though, is that when my computer goes into sleep mode I have to reboot it.
Elektron Analog 4
The Elektron is a fun piece of gear because the sequencing capabilities are much different than anything I’ve ever used. It also pulls up as an Audio Unit in Logic for me, which makes it a handy virtual instrument for me as well.
Adam A7 monitors
These speakers bring a great clarity for me, although the low end is not where I would really like it. This could be due to my room. The previous home I lived in a few years ago had such a great quality sound. I found out the floors were built of concrete, which I believe really thickened up the sound.
MXL V69 valve microphone
My mic was actually given to me by a dear friend, Ian North, who was in the band Milk & Cookies, who were around in the 70s and 80s. I love this mic because it picks up everything, but at the same time that’s a curse when your cat’s meowing or your air conditioner kicks on.
Arturia Spark
The Arturia Spark really is my go-to for the drums. I love all of Arturia’s products.
So, this is probably my most prized, irreplaceable possession in my studio. Her name is Petunia and she is a four-year-old French bulldog. She’s a staple in my studio and her dog bed sits beneath my desk. When I get stressed about anything she senses it and jumps up into my lap to calm me down. She can also be found hogging my chair most days as I make music.
Clayton Steele’s Ganesh
EP is out now via his own FAWN Recordings. Find him on Facebook
and SoundCloud