“Follow your heart, do what you love and never stop dreaming.” Motivational words of wisdom from 20/20 Vision label manager Bobby Connolly.

Bobby Pleasure

Bobby was so honoured to be photographed for Attack that he wore a suit for the first time in his life


Bobby Connolly aka Bobby Pleasure

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Be prepared to maybe never make as much money as your mates that work in the city, but believe that your life will be richer in the long run

Place of work?

20/20 Vision Recordings


Label Manager/Vibe Merchant

How long have you had the job?

Six months

What does a typical day involve?

Operating as the divine fabric via which every aspect of the label is interconnected: a source of knowledge, fountain of enthusiasm and wholesale supplier of positive vibrations.

Highs of the job?

Being a part of one of the longest running and most well respected UK dance labels. I’m also lucky that I get to have a fair amount of creative input in the label in terms of releases and A&R. Helping to sign Christian Löffler and holding his York EP on vinyl in my hands as the first 20/20 release under my management was a particularly proud moment for me.

Lows of the job?

Putting together artist royalty statements can be time consuming and slightly tedious as opposed to finding a hot remixer for our next release, but there are no ‘lows’ as such. Every job is equally important and there are invaluable teachings to be learnt at every step. That’s true of life also really, isn’t it? It’s all about your state of mind, man.

Every job is equally important and there are invaluable teachings to be learnt at every step. That's true of life also really, isn't it?

Who are the people who’ve had the biggest influence on your career and why?

Far too many to name really, but let’s give it a go anyway in the spirit of the interview process. Tom Thorpe [of PBR Streetgang] for taking me under his wing in Leeds, Melissa Maouris for teaching me how to fly and Ralph Lawson for taking a chance and letting me spread my wings. And of course my mum and nan.

How did you get the job?

It all started on a dancefloor at Back To Basics

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in Leeds (the longest running club night in the UK – respect to Dave Beer, Tristan and all the crew) where Ralph has been resident since the beginning. I didn’t know it then but there was some divine intervention going on in the universe and eventually the entire plot would come full circle.

How can we get your job?

Follow your heart, do what you love and never stop dreaming. Be prepared to maybe never make as much money as your mates that work in the city, but believe that your life will be richer in the long run if you do something that you really care about every day. There will be up and downs, but in the long run everything works itself out. Don’t worry, be happy 🙂 x


The 20/20 Vision Day & Night show at Studio 338, London, takes place on Saturday 15th August, featuring Steve Bug, Axel Boman, Dungeon Meat, Ralph Lawson, Zoo Look White Square and Bobby Pleasure. More info and tickets here.

6th August, 2015


  • Decent DJ too!


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