“If you like the sound of heavy post-production on dodgy home recordings with various Japanese and German synths you might get it.” Part-time producer, part-time ninja Sean Moriguchi introduces his music.

Who are you?

Sean Moriguchi, part-time music producer, part-time feudal ninja. At 17, my career started as an apprentice sound engineer for Deep Recording Studios in Notting Hill, which later led to another position in post-production at Abbot Street Studios editing commercials for clients such as Pepsi and L’Oreal.

What do you sound like?

Someone that has necked one too many frappuccinos, and stumbled onto a bunch of Roland gear mixed with vintage manga movie samples.

Why should we listen to you?

Well if you like the sound of heavy post-production on dodgy home recordings with various Japanese and German synths you might get it.

What have you released so far?

Last year I released the singles ‘Charge’ and ‘All I Need’ with London’s Love Handles Records. Earlier this year I signed an EP with Miami record label Outta Limits called Get Up, which then later led to tracks from the release to be featured on a compilation CD by Amsterdam label Recovery House.

I’ve also made exclusive mixes for Pack London (The Shifted Mix), and Australia’s Future Classic (The Origins Mixtape).

What else have you got coming out in the near future?

Got a mean track named ‘Frankenstein’ out now. Keep your ear to the ground for that one, geezer.

What song sums you up? Why?

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Kasabian – ‘Butcher Blues’. I’ve had many jams over that song with old band members back when I was deep into my piano grades and played a bit of dodgy guitar, but I can relate to the lyrics more than anything. Still remember seeing them live before they got signed and were underground.

What or who is your biggest influence and why?

Probably the pirate radio and garage sets I used to do with my mates back when I was 16. Those memories are priceless. It was a time before any of us really learned music theory and just expressed ourselves creatively with no care given. But ultimately it was the catalyst which influenced me to take music further and to work in the industry.

Where can we hear your music?

Please geezer, feel free to browse Facebook

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 and SoundCloud or just search me on Spotify and iTunes.

Where will you be in five years’ time?

Probably drowned to my neck in synthesisers. I’ve got a pretty bad addiction to purchasing those things and to be honest I’m running out of room for places to put them.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.

I used to teach music to secondary school adolescents in Lewisham with Wiley’s dad (Wiley as in the grime artist).


Sean Moriguchi’s The Thing EP is out now on Havana Banger. Find him on Facebook and SoundCloud.

7th December, 2016

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